Richard Pousette-Dart

Richard Pousette-Dart: Hiding in Plain Sight
From the Mayor's Doorstep

Piri Halasz reviews Richard Pousette-Dart: The Centennial at Pace Gallery, New York, on view through October 15, 2016. Halasz writes: “this show has a number of paintings that yank the artist out of his stately cubo-surrealist orbit of the 40s and situate him far more certainly in the tempestuous ensuing decade… they situate their creator […]

Richard Pousette-Dart: Transcendental Expressionist

Blog post revisiting Jack Kroll’s April 1961 profile of painter Richard Pousette-Dart, republished on the occasion of the exhibition Richard Pousette-Dart: The Centennial at Pace Gallery, New York, on view through October 15, 2016. Kroll writes: “The art of Richard Pousette-Dart seems very much in the line of American “home-made” eidolonian transcendentalism. He is a […]