Artist Profiles

“The Subject of Painting Is Paint”: On Frank Bowling
The Nation

In a though-provoking profile of painter Frank Bowling, John-Baptiste Oduor contemplates Bowling’s “uneasy relationship to the external sources of influence on his work” given his stated interest in paint as subject. “For Bowling,” Oduor observes, “‘the subject of painting is paint.’ This might be a difficult idea to grasp, but accepting it—or at least finding […]

Jane Freilicher @ Paul Kasmin Gallery
Vogue Magazine

Julia Felsenthal writes about painter Jane Freilicher. A show of Jane Freilicher’s work, ’50s New York, is on view at Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, through June 9, 2018. Felsenthal notes that Freilicher was “committed … to rooting her practice in the everyday … Domestic spaces were her creative fodder; domestication was not (‘she had […]

Ruth Miller & Andrew Forge
Art New England

Cat Balco reviews works by Ruth Miller and Andrew Forge at the Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT, on view through August 5, 2017. Balco writes: “Like Cézanne, Miller and Forge are not interested in description, but rather revelation: of something ineffable that can only be seen through engagement with the observed world. ‘You want […]

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye’s Imaginary Portraits
The New Yorker

Zadie Smith profiles painter Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, whose exhibition Under-Song For A Cipher is on view at the New Museum, New York through September 3, 2017. Smith writes: “Yiadom-Boakye’s people push themselves forward, into the imagination—as literary characters do—surely, in part, because these are not really portraits. They have no models, no sitters. They are character […]

David Driskell: The Last Master
Down East

Charlotte Wilder profiles painter David Driskell on the occasion of David Driskell: Renewal and Form at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockland, on view through May 11, 2017. Wilder writes: “Driskell’s work marries the natural with the spiritual, and he’s known for incorporating the iconography of Christianity and of various African and Afro-Atlantic traditions… Many of Driskell’s […]

Inside Out: Henry Taylor’s Painting
Art in America

Tatiana Istomina profiles painter Henry Taylor whose work is included in the The 2017 Whitney Biennial at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, on view through June 11, 2017. Istomina begins: “Henry Taylor’s painting has often been discussed in the context of outsider art not only because of his vivid and somewhat reductive figuration, […]

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
Vogue Magazine

Dodie Kazanjian profiles painter Lynette Yiadom-Boakye whose exhibition Under-Song For A Cipher will be on view at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, from May 3 – September 3, 2017. Kazanjian writes: “Most [of Yiadom-Boakye’s paintings] are large-scale, single-figure studies whose faces, set against loosely brushed dark backgrounds, look directly at the viewer. […]

Julian Hatton
Vasari 21

Ann Landi profiles painter Julian Hatton, whose exhibition Free Range will be on view at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, from April 20 – June 3, 2017. Hatton tells Landi: “I consider the small ones complex little worlds where there’s enough information for me to crawl in there psychologically … To some degree, my paintings […]

Beyond the Surface: Howard Hodgkin (1932–2017)
Apollo Magazine

Martin Gayford’s 2010 profile of painter Howard Hodgkin (1932–2017), republished to mark the artist’s passing this week at age 84. Gayford notes that “[Hodgkin’s] work is deeply paradoxical. For one thing, it frequently looks abstract at first and even second glance, but it is actually figurative and rooted in his experience… Hodgkin is an intensely emotional […]

Hilton Als on Alice Neel
Brooklyn Rail

Hilton Als writes about painter Alice Neel. Alice Neel, Uptown, curated by Hilton Als, will be on view at David Zwirner Gallery, New York from February 23, – April 22, 2017. Als observes: “I am certain that Alice Neel, more than many an American artist, had a deep understanding of affliction. She did not use her […]

Laurie Fendrich @ Louis Stern Fine Arts

Suzanne Muchnic profiles painter Laurie Fendrich on the occasion of Fendrich’s exhibition at Louis Stern Fine Arts, on view through December 3, 2016. Muchnic writes: “Beyond their fine craftsmanship and comic edge, Fendrich’s spirited abstractions and [Jane ]Austen’s captivating stories may appear to have little in common. But as critic Mark W. Stevens has noted, […]

Painting Joan Mitchell
Beyond Print

Julia Greenstreet writes about the Joan Mitchell’s print collaborations with Kenneth Tyler. Greenstreet writes: “Although Mitchell was a painter above all else (oil on canvas was her preferred medium), she was also an accomplished printmaker and produced a significant graphic oeuvre of prints and artist books… Tyler was struck by Mitchell’s ‘mastery of colour unparalleled […]

Richard Pousette-Dart: Transcendental Expressionist

Blog post revisiting Jack Kroll’s April 1961 profile of painter Richard Pousette-Dart, republished on the occasion of the exhibition Richard Pousette-Dart: The Centennial at Pace Gallery, New York, on view through October 15, 2016. Kroll writes: “The art of Richard Pousette-Dart seems very much in the line of American “home-made” eidolonian transcendentalism. He is a […]

On Frank Bowling
Abstract Critical

Courtney J. Martin writes about the paintings of Frank Bowling on the occasion of the exhibition Frank Bowling: Paintings 1967 – 2012 at Spanierman Modern, New York, through April 20, 2013. Martin writes that Bowling’s “poured paintings were often a combination of action painting and compositional devices, like vertical lines, that were used by the […]