
Remembering Robert Linsley
Frieze Magazine

Jan Verwoert remembers painter and writer Robert Linsley. Verwoert writes that Linsley “was a brilliant thinker, passionate painter, generous person … a one-man lesson in understanding why art matters and how the meditation on artistic form can become an existential concern, as you deepen your experience of what shapes, colours, paints and textures can be […]

Remembering Larry Zox
Hamptons Art Hub

Alexander Zox remembers his father, painter Larry Zox, and growing up around painters in East Hampton. An exhibition of works by Larry Zox was recently on view at Berry Campbell Gallery, New York. Zox writes: “Painters existed in a kind of bubble here. But they could also find a sudden end, which I didn’t have […]

Julian Stanczak (1928 – 2017)

Alex Greenberger remembers painter Julian Stanczak (1928 – 2017) who passed away March 25. Greenberger writes: “Stanczak’s acrylic paintings often tended toward brightly colored shapes and grids. Typically made through contrasting unlike hues, Stanczak was able to create compositions that are jarring to the eye. They highlight the act of seeing, in the process showing […]

Beyond the Surface: Howard Hodgkin (1932–2017)
Apollo Magazine

Martin Gayford’s 2010 profile of painter Howard Hodgkin (1932–2017), republished to mark the artist’s passing this week at age 84. Gayford notes that “[Hodgkin’s] work is deeply paradoxical. For one thing, it frequently looks abstract at first and even second glance, but it is actually figurative and rooted in his experience… Hodgkin is an intensely emotional […]

Walter Darby Bannard: Modernism isn’t a style … it’s a working attitude

Franklin Einspruch remembers painter Walter Darby Bannard (1934 – 2016) and considers Bannard’s recent paintings as the culmination of a lifelong exploration of abstraction: “Modernism isn’t a style, [Bannard] insisted, it’s a working attitude oriented toward visual excellence. ‘Modernism is aspiring, authoritarian, hierarchical, self-critical, exclusive, vertically structured, and aims for the best,’ he wrote in 1984. But […]

Walter Darby Bannard (1934-2016)

Franklin Einspruch remembers painter Walter Darby Bannard (1934-2016). Einspruch writes: “[Bannard’s] was a life full of brilliant friends, talented colleagues, and passionate relationships. Throughout it all and up to the end, he painted. When he was painting, canvases tacked to the floor, surrounded by jars of acrylics, and an arsenal of squeegees, brooms, and brushes […]

Bernard Chaet (1924 – 2012)

Best known as the author of the seminal book The Art of Drawing, Chaet influenced thousands of artists as a teacher and a painter.

Helen Frankenthaler (1928-2011)

Helen Frankenthaler’s paintings are a unique blend of eastern and western styles and recalling at once calligraphic landscape painting and analytic cubism.

Budd Hopkins (1932 – 2011)

Better known for his parallel career as a UFO advocate and author, Budd Hopkins, deserves to be remembered for his painting career.

John Hoyland (1934 – 2011)

Painter John Hoyland died yesterday at age 76.  Hoyland was part of the 1960 exhibition Situation: An Exhibition of British Abstract Painting, which also featured Gillian Ayres and William Turnbull. This exhibition featured large-scale abstract paintings that involved the viewer’s entire field of vision creating an immersive experience or “situation”. 1 In the 1960’s, Hoyland […]

Lucian Freud: Last Look

Lucian Freud looked with an unmatched intensity, a kind of scrutiny of which only a painter is capable.

Cy Twombly Remembered (1928-2011)

Cy Twombly worked purely, it seemed, from his feelings, thoughts, and impulses.

Hedda Sterne (1911 – 2011)

Hedda Sterne’s work always remained fiercely individual, ground-breaking, and difficult to categorize.