Against Nature: Hard Edge Abstraction

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Brendan S. Carroll reviews the exhibition Against Nature: Hard Edge Abstraction at Graham Gallery, New York, on view through October 12, 2013.

The aim of Against Nature," Carroll writes, "is to pair historical works of geometric abstraction alongside new works by recent upstarts…The artwork, according to the exhibition statement, 'embraces a formulaic approach to painting characterized by meticulously arranged, spatially compressed compositions meant to supplant the perceived spontaneity of gestural painting.' If this statement makes the show sound scholarly, that’s because it is. How to brush off the stifling classroom vibe? Include the bright new work of painter Corydon Cowansage. Like sugar, Cowansage’s paintings have an addictive hold. Her vibrant, candy-colored paintings are a celebration of light and color. They caught me hook, line, and sinker. (Her use of color is comparable to Paul Reed’s heavily saturated canvasses.)"

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