Alberto Burri: Cellotex Nero

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L. Brandon Krall reviews the exhibition Alberto Burri: Black Cellotex at Luxembourg & Dayan, New York, on view through April 20, 2013.

Krall writes: "These works engage us with their human scale, their surfaces tempting to the touch, and while minimal in depth compared to his earlier work, they operate on sensory subtleties of texture and blackness. Deep gloss black is worked against a dry frosted grey-black, the knifed-on scumble of one area of surface facture contrasting with the butter-smooth flatness of another. The organic abstraction sometimes veers towards curvaceous, erotic (thigh/buttock-like) shapes. In others, the forms remain formally dressed in their black, kimono-like vestments. In some, an array of stark block or boulder-like forms resemble crop circles seen from a height."

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