Allison Katz @ Gió Marconi

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Ilaria Bombelli reviews Allison Katz: AKA at Gió Marconi, Milan, on view through March 25, 2016.

Bombelli writes: "This piercingly calm exhibition features a selection of ten paintings, as well as six posters that hang in the entryway like a sort of musical overture, presenting a suite of blunt, raw scenes that range different rhythms and moods. Each stands alone, nursing its own testimony. … The paint (oil or acrylic) is applied in a perfunctory fashion, without giving the subjects a finished, conclusive body, without explaining the whole underlying game. We get a keen sense of something hermetic, moody, and human. Not all the allusions can be fathomed. Some can only be glimpsed, whiffed. Others remain ungraspable, in gridlock."

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