Amy Sillman: Interview

Imelda Barnard interviews painter Amy Sillman on the occasion of her exhibition Landline at Camden Arts Centre, London, on view through January 6, 2019.

Sillman remarks: “I feel like I’m working with and against [painting] equally. The piece I’m making for Gallery 3 is structurally ambivalent, it has two sides that are printed on the same sheet of paper, like two sides of a coin. I realised that I find new ways to understand my love/hate relationship with painting. I’m always working against what I feel to be a force or a form that I deeply love. But I understand that painting has got its own structural limitations that mean that it could end. There are aspects of the painting process that don’t really make sense and I can see them as antique. But painters are always proclaiming how much painting goes on and that’s true too.”

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