Amy Weiskopf on Carlo Carra

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Amy Weiskopf writes about Carlo Carra's, Natura Morta con la Squadra (1917) in the Museo del Novecento, Milan.

Weiskopf begins: "If Pompeian still life frescos and Cubist still life paintings had a baby, Carlo Carra’s Natura Morta con la Squadra would be that child. Within the positivism of those Pompeian paintings and the analytic nature of Cubism lies the intelligence of this painting. I recently saw it at the Novecento museum in Milan and then walked next-door to the Palazzo Reale, where there was a show of still life frescos from Pompeii. It was startling to think how much had happened in those intervening 2,000 years, and yet how little had really changed. Italian artists and architects embraced Modernism as fully as artists anywhere, but they held onto their Greco-Roman roots."

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