As Wide As A Door Is Open: Material Images

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Sam Cornish reflects on As Wide As A Door Is Open: Material Images at Fold Gallery, London (through October 11), an exhibition of abstract painting he co-curated with Kim Savage. The show features works by Christopher McSherry, Dominic Beattie, EC,  John Bunker, and Stephen Buckley.

Cornish writes: "The exhibition mixes generations. There is not a single message, more a hunch that if abstract art is to re-appear as a real force in contemporary art it would need to be diverse and excitingly visual, that its engagement with the past of modernist abstraction should be both direct (not dominated by pastiche) and somehow wayward. Above all I think that the strangeness of abstraction needs to be recovered – something which can only happen through the art itself, not through written argument."

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