Blinky Palermo: An Expansive Minimalism

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Altoon Sultan blogs about the recent exhibition Palermo Works 1973-1976 at David Zwirner Gallery, New York.

Sultan observes: "Looking at the long black line on the left wall, I see that it has some weight and presence, but it's not quite a sculpture. It is, rather, a long narrow, irregular painting, pointed on both ends so as to push into the space around it, animating the wall. The surface isn't polished and smooth, but bumpy and somewhat misshapen. I find this imperfection very touching, and the emotion is heightened for me by the ordinariness of this object placed on the wall: it is a line, and a hand-formed object, inviting metaphor… Palermo called his hybrid works of painting in three dimensions 'objects'. They are painting amplified."

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