Bram Bogart: The White Paintings

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Erin Lawlor reviews Salon 002: Bram Bogart, Witte de Witte at the Saatchi Gallery, London, on view through September 10, 2017.

Lawlor writes: “It might seem a curious challenge to present Bogart’s work through the white paintings; yet this reduction or even denial of colour provides something of the clarity of an x-ray, allowing a bare-bones reading of the evolution of his pictorial language. Bogart’s very earliest white paintings were produced during the artist’s first trip to the south of France in the late forties – it is interesting that his immersion in the brilliant colours of the south seems to have in part provoked Bogart to turn inwards, away from the bright landscape that had inspired so many others, and rather towards colour and light as absorbed and reflected in the chalky walls, and to the essence of interrogating the materiality of painting-as-wall.”

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