Brooke Moyse: In Process

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Paul Behnke's photo-blog series features a look at the studio process of painter Brooke Moyse.

Behnke writes: "While her work could be cited as an example of Bushwick's recent New Casualist esthetic, the formal qualities of Moyse's painting have been evolving steadily, into a studied offhandedness, for some years. The quick appearance of her paint application is butted against a sophisticated palette, and accute sense of composition, that lend an air of urbanity to Moyse's paintings. These varied, formal contrasts, along with the ambition and scale of much of her work, make her seem right at home in the current group show at Loretta Howard Gallery in Chelsea. In DNA: Strands of Abstraction, she shares wall space with Kline, Motherwell, Frankenthaller, Poons and Rockburne without missing a beat."

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