Casualism at Dodge Gallery

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Jonathan Stevenson highlights two shows featuring "casualist" painting at DODGE Gallery, New York: Corresponding Selves: Jane Fox Hipple (through October 27) and A Pinch of Saffron, Dash of Vermouth, curated by Ted Gahl, featuring work by Jonathan Allmaier, Ned Colclough, Robert Davis, Joanne Greenbaum, Angel Otero, Meghan Petras, Josh Smith, and Johannes VanDerBeek (through October 27).

Stevenson writes that Hipple "tugs the strand of Casualism keyed to the shambolic nature of everyday life into the household. Contrasting conventional rectangular space with foreign objects like sheets and screws self-consciously affixed to sloppily stretched – even ripped – canvases, she invests her pieces with the shifting emotions that might arise as one tours a house and pauses to reflect on each of its rooms." Curator Gahl "focuses on the limits that artists impose on process and materials – and how artists exploit skill and technique to transcend those limits – another Casualist theme."

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