Charline von Heyl: Düsseldorf: Paintings

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Rachel Williams reviews Charline von Heyl: Düsseldorf: Paintings from the early 90s at Petzel Gallery, New York, on view through May 2, 2015.

Williams writes that von Heyl is "known for an eclectic style which admires both the natural and the constructed. Serving as a window into the painter’s early work and artistic roots, [the show] is a collection of paintings never before shown in the U.S. Shown in Cologne and Munich during 1991 and 1995, these paintings posses a bold approach to abstraction, with their provocative aesthetic strength and impressive historical awareness… this exhibition provides insight into some of the deeply rooted artistic practices that are still present in Von Heyl’s current works, combining heavy use of illustration and abstraction to powerful effect."

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