Chuck Webster: Studio Visit

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Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Chuck Webster

Webster's work will be on view at Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston from September 6 – October 13, 2012.

In 2011 Carol Diehl wrote of Webster's work: "At first glance, the quirky, cartoonlike quality of Webster's semiabstractions may seem more trendy than profound. With a little scrutiny, however, this impression is mitigated by the ambiguity of the subject matter—which, like all good abstraction, seems to be filled with meaning while actually signifying no specific thing. Points of reference are also ambiguous: often biomorphic, other times jagged, these emblematic symbols could just as easily be co-opted from early tribal paintings as could represent signals channeled from a simpler, postapocalyptic future."

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