Claudia Chaseling: In Studio

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Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting visit the studio of Claudia Chaseling whose work was recently on view in the exhibition Claudia Chaseling: Infiltration at SLAG Contemporary, Brooklyn.

Reviewing that exhibition at Artcritical, Christina Kee wrote that there is "a tradition of 'painting away from the canvas,' from the playful off-frame whimsies of the baroque and mannerist artists through to Fontana to Stella. More recent variations of the approach tend to draw from a modernist challenge of the conventions of the form, often powerfully – and cerebrally – questioning expectations of illusionism and representation. Chaseling, by contrast, seems to be working from a less self-conscious motivation. Her hors-piste maneuvers refreshingly appear to spring from a spontaneous, if anxious, impulse to shift the impact of the painting beyond the restrictions of the canvas’s home base."

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