Cordy Ryman: Interview

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Lara Saget interviews artist Cordy Ryman whose exhibition Chimera 45 is on view at Zürcher Gallery, New York through May 7, 2015.

Ryman comments: "I think anything and everything that is going on in your life, if you are open in your process, will make its way in and have an effect. I think we should allow it to… At this point, I know how to make a nice painting. There are certain things I know will look right, but may be boring or something. I have to be able to be free. If I work on a lot of things, I can be free and take chances. The chances of magic happening are greater. There is something that happens, I don’t know exactly how to define it, but it’s more likely to happen if I am not tightened up and afraid…. If I am making something — and I am a human — and it is interesting to me, and I keep making it over years, the chances are that it will be interesting to other people."

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