Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field

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Annie Godfrey Larmon interviews Dannielle Tegeder on the occasion of the Tegeder's exhibition Painting in the Extended Field at the Wellin Museum of Art, Hamilton College, on view through July 28, 2013.

Tegeder comments: "The problem of the 'death of painting' is central to my work. I identify as a painter, even though I work in sculpture, animation, sound, and installation. I continue to paint and teach painting in an MFA program because I think painting can be both traditional and transgressive. Painting is now contextualized with so many mediums. When I make my work, including the more traditional two-dimensional paintings, I also consider how they function in the context of the Internet, and how we as humans function every day among multi-media experiences. A fixed, two-dimensional painting behaves very differently now than it did even 20 years ago, before our contemporary networks and iPhones… It’s interesting to move into sculpture and move back into painting, to think about how each context informs the other."

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