Dialogue with Nature @ The Morgan Library

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Xico Greenwald reviews the exhibition A Dialogue with Nature: Romantic Landscapes from Britain and Germany at The Morgan Library, New York, on view through September 7, 2014.

"With more than thirty landscapes on display here, ranging from 18th century pre-Romantic scenes to Turner’s late Alpine watercolors, exhibition organizers say the British and German works in this show 'offer a fresh look at stylistic similarities and differences in the approaches of the two schools.' … British artist John Robert Cozens (1752-1797) … made drawings of the Italian landscape. 'A Ruined Fort Near Salerno,' ca. 1782, a moody, blue-toned watercolor, has scratched-in highlights giving the picture a dreamlike light. The scale in this watercolor is disorienting- an enormous mountain looms behind the crumbling fort while tiny sailboats can be made out in a lake below."

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