Disconnected: Bishop, Hantai, Marioni

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Jeffrey Collins blogs about the exhibition Disconnected: Bishop / Hantai / Marioni at Paul Rodgers 9W, New York, on view through January 10, 2015.

Collings writes: "Paul Rodgers 9W is, as you can tell, on the 9th floor, West side. It is a gallery that usually flies under the radar of most gallery hoppers. Which is unfortunate, especially when people are talking about a Simon Hantai or James Bishop show at one of the majors, or a show of Joseph Marioni and no one is mentioning the better exhibition at Rodgers' gallery. Paul is an incredible historian and very keen on making grand exhibitions that keep the notion of space to a maximum. This particular exhibition … is quite a minimal exhibition with one painting per painter. Each from a distinct period in the artists oeuvre. Especially with the painting from Bishop, who doesn't work very much in dark paintings such as the one on view."

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