Do It Yourself @ BOS

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Julia Sinelnikova reports on as series of ten exhibitions at the 2014 Bushwick Open Studios collectively titled Do It Yourself and organized by painter Julie Torres.

Sinelnikova writes: "Hailed as the larged curated exhibition of BOS, this was actually a collection of ten exhibitions of Bushwick artists, each curated by a visiting artist. Within each room, from offices to performance spaces, a clear aesthetic emerged – one where the artist’s touch reigns supreme, with the line between painting and object left purposefully unclear… Bushwick has gained a reputation as a hub of abstract painting over the years, and the artists in 'Do It Yourself' are at the forefront of this movement in its most deconstructive form."

Guest curators included: Julie Alexander, Brian Cypher, Brian Edmonds, Justine Frischmann, David T. Miller, Sean Montgomery, Melanie Parke, Julia Schwartz, Peter Shear, and Ian White Williams.

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