Dominic Beattie: Interview

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Interview with painter Dominic Beattie about his work and process.

Beattie comments: "I get to the studio early and begin by looking at works made at my last visit, I start trying to make them better, maybe cutting them up and re-gluing them back together in an alternative configuration, or just spray painting over the whole thing and starting again. When the work interests me enough, I stop playing with it and put it away. Sometimes it's a fast process and the painting's surface will be flat, other times they are very layered and have gone through many transformations before they achieve any sort of quality. I generally have no idea how a painting is going to look finished when I start it. I work on multiple pieces at the same time, so aesthetics will be shared among a certain grouping and then fade away when I have a new idea, or get bored with a mood."

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