Dorothea Rockburne: Interview

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Natasha Kurchanova interviews artist Dorothea Rockburne on the occasion of the exhibition Dorothea Rockburne: Drawing Which Makes Itself at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on view through January 20, 2014.

Kurchanova writes: "Drawing enters our bones, so to speak, when we begin to visualise Rockburne crafting delicate lines and fragile spaces with chosen material by moving through the space, folding and unfolding sheets of paper, leaving traces of her activity. It is in this imagining of the process of the actual creation that we begin to engage with the work. Through vision, our mind enters a space reserved for memory and visual engagement, which triggers our visceral sense of awareness and belonging. Not only does the exhibition offer a breathtaking leap back into the invigorating aesthetic atmosphere of the 70s, inspired by the ideas of the modernist avant garde, but it also invites us to think about ourselves in relation to the world: how much of it is really 'outside' and how much is a product of our thoughts and actions."

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