Drawing in Abstract Painting

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Ten artists – Graham Boyd, Alice Browne, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Alan Gouk, Robert Linsley, Jeanne Masoero, Rebecca Norton, Mark Stone, David Sweet, and Gary Wragg offer their thoughts on drawing in abstract painting.

Browne remarks: "When I think about it, drawing seems to be an innately abstract act: reducing matter and ideas to a series of lines and symbols for something that we may understand (such as these letters), or simply a trace of the movement a marking tool has taken, presumably at the end of a human hand… lines can be reminiscent of string, wire or fabric, but most often of outlines of a suggested form. They leave space for the imagination to fill, as well as being unequivocal. Drawing for me usually involves instantaneous decision-making between eye/mind and hand, which can be rewarding. On the flip-side, initiating this bold directive can be destructive and very hard to renege on. Drawings can be persistent; no matter how many times I paint over, they remain."

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