Ed Moses: Romance of Painting

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Alanna Martinez interviews painter Ed Moses about his work and process and his continuing belief in the "romance of painting."

Moses remarks: "Sometimes I’ll work on a painting over a couple of months, and sometimes I hit it right off the bat. When I do, what happens is at the end of the day, I drag the painting, kicking and screaming, into my studio, tilt it up along the walls… I use incandescent lights. I don’t like paintings lit by fluorescent lights. What happens when people use fluorescent lights is they light the room and then put the paintings in. I put the paintings in and then focus on the paintings with the incandescent lights. The painting is the issue, not the environment in which the painting exists. Fluorescent light neutralizes. There’s no drama to it, there’s no romance. But that’s not a popular attitude at this particular point. People are more interested in ideas than the romance of painting. I’m still old-fashioned in that sense. I’ve been painting 50 or 60 years, so that has something to do with being still in that situation."

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