Elizabeth Neel: Interview

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MK Palomar interviews painter Elizabeth Neel on the occasion of her exhibition The People, The Park, The Ornament at Pilar Corrias Gallery, London, on view through June 20, 2014.

Neel comments: "I like it when a painting has several different kinds of associations for me, and I know that when people look at it and it strikes them even further in other ways than it struck me, and yet maintains a solid formal presence as a logical image, pushing those limits of control also and complete chaos… I love the fact that people when they look at an image – no matter what it is, even if they are familiar with the terms and they come in and say: 'OK, abstract painting' – it will open up in this way, and that the natural impulse is to see the recognisable in everything. Even if the recognisable is just initially this idea of abstraction, then it also becomes the recognition of behaviours or objects, drawings and images."

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