Etel Adnan at dOCUMENTA(13)

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Photo blog of paintings by Etel Adnan from a series of 36 untitled canvases (1959-2010) on view at Documenta-Halle, dOCUMENTA(13), Kassel through August 16, 2012.

In an essay about Adnan's visual artwork, Simone Fattal has written: "Adnan's paintings play the role the old icons used to play for people who believed. They exude energy and give energy. They grow on you like talismans. They help in living everyday life… The quickness of their making, the fact that they are finished in one sitting, their compactness – with nothing diluted or lost, joins to the happiness experienced while painting, the joy of using color. They reflect the praise of the universe, the experience of it, immersion in it, participation in its formation. No lamentation, no elegy. Love."

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