In a recent video studio visit, Françoise Gilot discusses her paintings.
In the video Gilot comments "When you paint you have to be fast…when you are fast you are better than if you are slow. Because you have to put the energy of your being into the painting – that's the most important." In a beautiful statement published on her website Gilot has written: "if I start a painting from a quasi-embryonic state with forms that I make visible to better exclude them later, I do it mostly to initiate a trajectory. Like the ancient Greek philosophers, I want to prove movement by walking. I feel a kind of vertigo in front of the emptiness of a white canvas, and am ready to do anything to fill its void. But fortunately after my first thrust of energy, a hidden voice within me says, “No, that’s not it at all,” and propels me to make alterations that, even if not valid in their entirety, open the way to more reflections and more imaginative propositions. There is a progression; more and more fragments come into focus and begin to be attuned to one another until the whole purpose clarifies itself and, in an instant of enlightenment, leads to cohesion and unity."