Freak Flag

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Dan Greenberg reviews Freak Flag, curated by Kim Uchiyama, at Brian Morris Midtown, New York (through December 13). The show features works by Al Loving, Ann Shostrom, Craig Fisher, Gwenn Thomas, James Clark, Kim Uchiyama, Marthe Keller, Noah Post, Stephen Westfall, Paul Corio, and Andy Mister.

Greenberg writes: "According to Morris, Al Loving embodies the collective theme of the exhibit. His two wall reliefs assuredly burst with primary colors birthing secondary colors, and mixing ellipses with the hard angles of triangles. Loving’s radical departure from his previous, highly successful body of work emphasizes his lifelong dedication to change and following his true artistic impulses… There is no fear here; these works are merged into the old city walls, integrating art and life. These works conspicuously lack pretension and invite discourse."

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