Gregory Amenoff @ Alexandre Gallery

Image coming soon.

Addison Parks blogs about the work of Gregory Amenoff on the occasion of Amenoff’s exhibition of new paintings at Alexandre Gallery, New York, on view through October 29, 2016.

Parks writes that “[Amenoff’s paintings] are a noble quest, a torch taken up from the likes of the Arthur Doves of this world, along with his Stieglitz pals Georgia O’Keeffe, Marsden Hartley, and Alfred Maurer. A mineral, vegetable, but less animal space at once intimate and infinite. A place discovered with paint and brush and knife hacked through forests and over tall mountains. The painting in the painting. Not the gratuitous slapdash of pigments on canvas, but marks and colors that mean something, shape something, define and reveal something. Painting that comes from search and exploration.”