Jane Freilicher & Jane Wilson: Seen and Unseen

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Jennifer Landes reviews Jane Freilicher and Jane Wilson: Seen and Unseen at the Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, New York, on view through January 18, 2016.

Landes writes: "Both born in 1924, [Freilicher and Wilson] were two of the very last of a glittering and venerated generation of artists and writers left standing before their deaths just a few weeks apart last winter… they were full members of an artistic, literary, and cultural scene responsible for some of the most acclaimed art of their time and of any other. That their work had a more naturalistic or illusionistic approach at a time when such choices were deemed 'old hat,' as Freilicher once put it, was to their detriment in terms of what defines traditional art world success. Yet they were always exhibited, respected by their peers, and appreciated by a group of collectors less concerned with fashion than with what makes a good painting."

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