Jo Ann Rothschild & David Fratkin

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John Goodrich reviews Jo Ann Rothschild: An Important Day and David Fratkin: Apparitions on a Greyhound Bus at The Painting Center, New York, on view through October 25, 2014.

Goodrich writes that Fratkin's forms "glide about with considerable self-possession. Produced through an elaborate combination of painting and block-printing techniques, they exude a svelte intricacy. Organic grids of pale blues float before patterns of pinkish-ochre; elegant blue- and green-grays shift above purples. In places, inner paint layers have crackled, as if weathered by time. All these effects seem sealed — encapsulated, if you like — beneath lustrous, smooth surfaces… Jo Ann Rothschild’s abstract paintings revel in their passions. Her 12 canvases … exude an unabashedly lyrical expressionism. Strokes of paint range from even brushings to thin scribbles, scrapings, and thick trowellings… Everywhere one senses the urge to find a color to anchor this area or a particular mark to locate that sequence."

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