Joanne Greenbaum: Interview

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Nadja Sayej interviews painter Joanne Greenbaum on the occasion of her show Dysmorphia at Galerie Crone, Berlin, on view through January 31, 2015.

Greenbaum notes that "with this group of paintings, a common denominator was the use of the drawing to dictate the form that the paintings would take in the end. I also wanted to be free of editing on the canvas and pretty much whatever went on there stayed on these—even using what I didn’t like in a particular painting to use that and learn from it. Very often the mistakes are the best part." She continues, "I don’t paint for an audience but mostly to please and challenge myself as much as I can. If one painting is successful (sells) I don’t then go and make the same one or the same one in different colors. I really feel strongly about growing and changing and not being locked into a system that will then define you."

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