Joanne Greenbaum: Studio Visit

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Lauren Smith visits the studio of painter Joanne Greenbaum.

Asked about her approach to making work, Greenbaum answers: "I don't have a real philosophy but I am a worker. I work when I am not inspired. Inspiration is not a real word for serious artists, they don't get 'inspired,' they just work. Ideas come from actually working for me, so even if I have an upcoming show, my work may be more intense but all in all, I keep regular hours each day, working until I am tired. I know that I am not working up against the clock because I always seem to have time to do everything, and more. Making art is not something one does just because one has a 'show' coming up. For me I just work all of the time and there is usually more than enough. I am one of those people that likes to work with no goal or specific ideas in mind, I like to just play with my materials and something always interesting comes of that."

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