John Dubrow: Interview

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Xico Greenwald interviews painter John Dubrow. A solo show of Dubrow's recent work is currently on view at Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York (through April 20) and a retrospective of his paintings, A Formal Realist: The Works of John Dubrow is on view at the Demuth Museum, Lancaster, PA (through May 19).

Asked about the process of making a painting, Dubrow comments: "I’m waiting to get attached. As I get new ideas, I rework my painting. At points along the way I become attached to certain moments, different figure moments in the painting, and those are the things I start building on. It’s just an improvisation and until something locks in and I start building off that one moment, everything is up for grabs. There is usually a moment that is not necessarily held on to but that I can start building from."

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