Justine Frischmann: Battle of Faith & Doubt

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Matthew Marchand reviews painter Justine Frischmann's exhibition The Battle of Faith and Doubt at Unspeakable Projects, San Francisco.

Marchand writes that "there is a balance sought by the work in the show … at one end is intention at the other chance, between them is an engagement with the everyday… The paintings appear aloof and unhurried; they are self contained in their disregard for their own status as objects. Art historian Thomas McEviliey defines the sublime as an 'immeasurable vastness and uncompromised otherness, (which) dwarfs and threatens to extinguish the individual.' The viewer can feel this in the remoteness of the paintings. Yet, most of the work is at such a modest scale… that the viewer dwarfs it, turning the table on the meaning of scale in the sublime. The sublime in our pocket, as it were."

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