Katherine Bradford: In Conversation

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Julia Schwartz interviews painter Katherine Bradford about her work and development as an artist.

Bradford remarks: "It took me awhile to learn not to put too much story into the Superman and Ocean Liner pieces. I pretty much focused on the sight of Superman flying and the sight of the ocean liner in the same frame as an iceberg. You see how much I left out, great chunks of both of these legends. Anything more seemed like it would be too much information and in the end I had to consider what worked best to present clearly in a single frame painting."

She continues:  "On the other hand, I really like having both balls in the air: the tension between formal elements and also the stories. The tone I’m most drawn to is one of vulnerability and searching which seems to also reflect the way I paint, my touch, and also the way I proceed through a painting which is to try and find the forms in the process of putting the paint on. However, once a painting is finished it’s always very interesting to reflect on how it communicates to the viewer, the various interpretations"

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