Kellyann Burns & Siri Berg

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Tamar Zinn blogs about two exhibitions: Kellyann Burns at McKenzie Fine Art (through February 8) and Siri Berg: Color and Space at Hionas Gallery (through February 7).

Zinn writes that both shows "offer a glimpse of different approaches within the realm of geometric abstraction and make evident the limits of trying to define this tradition in simple terms… [Burns] incorporates a variety of geometric forms into compositions with diverse spatial implications… While each painting has been sanded to a smooth finish, its surface has richness and depth…" Berg, Zinn notes, offers "geometric abstraction with an emphasis on symmetry along with variations in color. In developing a series, Berg produces numerous small works on paper, repeating and manipulating the formal compositions as she modifies the palette. In contrast with the paintings of Burns, Berg's compositions and her application of paint are minimalist, and quickly reveal their essence to the viewer."

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