Kyle Staver & the Cult of Painting

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Franklin Einspruch reviews Kyle Staver: Tall Tales at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York, on view through October 11, 2015.

Einspruch writes: "Staver has long felt compelled to retell her family’s stories, iconically in their way, but not so much as to defeat all the specifics… In her more recent paintings, mythology supplies enough storyline to give her figures, soaked in a vat of Cubism just long enough to become delightfully rubbery, something to do." He concludes: "A simultaneous and revelatory show of Bob Thompson (whose influence Staver acknowledges) and the madcap Louis Eilshemius at Michael Rosenfeld Gallery prompts me to wonder if there’s a mythological-modernist tradition that we ought to consider more thoroughly, with Staver as its current chief practitioner."

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