Lennart Anderson (1928-2015)

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Brian Schumacher and A’Dora Phillips remember painter Lennart Anderson (1928-2015). Anderson was the subject of their 2014 film Lennart Anderson: Seeing with Light.

Schumacher and Phillips begin: "We are deeply saddened by the loss of Lennart Anderson, a perceptual painter, a painter of the figure, a painter of still life and of landscape in the spirit of Edgar Degas and Edwin Dickinson and others that he admired, a painter whose manner and style of painting did not preclude the desire to invent, imagine, and draw forth from an inner vision. Throughout his life he worked and reworked his paintings, ever searching and revising, shaping and re-shaping his distinctly rich palimpsest of marks and textures. The patience this open-ended working process required suited him well, increasingly as his outer vision began to fail due to macular degeneration a little over ten years ago. Unable to imagine a life without painting, he adapted his working methods to this fate and continued to produce inspired paintings until the end."

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