Leon Polk Smith in NYC & Chicago

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Tamar Zinn blogs about two exhibition of works by painter Leon Polk Smith: Cherokee | Chickasaw | Choctaw at Washburn Gallery, New York (through January 25) and Space Considered at Valerie Carberry Gallery, Chicago (through January 11).

In addition to posting a fascinating selection of Polk Smith's works from the two shows, Zinn also includes the following short statement by the artist: "I set out from Mondrian to find a way of freeing this concept of space so that it could be expressed with the use of curved line as well as straight. I soon found that this was not an easy thing to do. After more than a decade of intense search and painting (in 1954) somewhat by accident, while drawing with free line on a spherical surface, I observed a concomitant situation wherein the idea of space and form were complimentary to each other as well as interchangeable."

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