Lisa Sanditz: In Conversation

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Jacquelyn Gleisner interviews painter Lisa Sanditz about her work.

Sanditz comments: "I paint what I experience, or read about or see in the landscape that seems to reflect some absurdity, or tension or metaphor for the culture at large. I often seek out places that have a compelling visual element as well. This is because I love to move around and experience the world, go places, meet people, hear their stories—and I also love to paint, no doubt. It’s not in reaction to a highly digitized world, but the refreshing tactile experience of it for me. I get a lot from the real world and hope to put it in the paintings. And I am drawn to this in the work of others. I believe in the power of narrative, whether it’s the narrative in the work or the narrative behind making the work. I am attracted to this in film, photography, and sculpture as well as painting."

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