Logan Grider: Mixed-In Tensions

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Rob Colvin reviews the exhibition Logan Grider: Untitled at David Findlay Jr. Gallery, New York, on view through April 12, 2014.

Colvin writes that in Grider's recent work, "an elegant grace seems to have intervened in his commitment to muscle his way through what one might consider Modernism’s unfinished business… There’s little evidence of the artist bluntly antagonizing space or pushing his own artistic capacity for its own sake. Here we have a less complicated love. The still lifes of Matisse and Cezanne are embraced, as is their casual disregard for correct perspective, so that color and shape can thrive without restrictions. Grider takes the character of that disregard — it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t match — and flips it: the inconsistencies matter and animate the whole."

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