Louisa Matthiasdottir: Sensuous Discipline

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John Goodrich reviews the exhibition Louisa Matthiasdottir: Paintings and Works on Paper at Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York, on view through January 11, 2014.

Goodrich writes: "An extraordinarily self-possessed and disciplined painter, [Mattiasdottir] turned Hofmann’s often bombastic exuberance in a very different direction, towards a keen-eyed affection for the appearance of things, even when — or, perhaps, especially when when — they were reanimated through the formal language of painting… Like Bonnard and Matisse, her work testifies to the unique combination of sensuousness and discipline that marks the best traditional painting. The particular virtues of her work — subtly weighted color, dynamics of rhythm and scale — don’t come through on a screen or printed image."

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