Louise Fishman @ Cheim & Read

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Alexxa Gotthardt traces the history of influences on Louise Fishman's paintings and considers Fishman's current show at Cheim & Read, New York, on view through November 21, 2015.

Gotthardt writes: "In All Her Colors, Fishman drew from the colors her mother used, 'often influenced by Matisse and Renoir,' she explains. The painting, however, layered with active strokes of yellow, mauve, green, blue, black, and large, uplifting areas of white, applied with palette knives and the occasional finger, is distinctly Fishman’s. It contains the thread that courses through her expansive body of work—an inherent dynamism siphoned from the energy of her surroundings, whether they be a room of Titian masterworks, the streets of New York or Venice, the resonance of a Schumann composition, or the many unsung female artists of her past."

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