Mali Morris: Back to Front

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Andy Parkinson visits the exhibition Mali Morris: Back to Front at Eagle Gallery, London, on view through October 13, 2012.

Parkinson writes that it is "ambiguity that I appreciate so much in Mali Morris paintings. What’s at back could just as well turn out to be up front, the edges might become central, an area that has become dense with rich colour may be cleared away to reveal a glowing light that becomes positive 'motif.' What appears 'positive' may turn out to be 'negative' and vice versa. I really don’t mean to find in all this metaphors for life but I can’t help it. And even then, such metaphors are quite different to ‘illustrations’ or ‘similes’, being themselves far more ambiguous and tentative. After all, it is painting we are looking at here, and painting that is resolutely and magnificently abstract."

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