Maria Lassnig: Location of Pictures

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Image blog of installation phots from the exhibition Maria Lassnig: The Location of Pictures at Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany, on view through September 8, 2013.

The press release notes that: "One idea that recurs throughout her work is the notion of 'body-feeling pictures.' Lassnig not only paints the great emotions such as mourning, pain, joy and happiness, but also those often neglected sentiments that take the form of a sense of pressure, tension or one of being stretched. For her, this is often the only reality. 'I stand in front of my canvas naked, so to speak, without model or photograph, and I allow it to take shape. (…) for me, the only real thing (is) my feelings, which play out inside the shell of my body,' explains Lassnig. She does not rely on a gut feeling but instead lets her mind – the place where her feelings become images – take charge, painting in a very concentrated fashion. Viewed from this perspective her oeuvre raises fundamental questions about the location of her images."

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