Mario Correa: In Conversation

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An extended correspondence between Geoff Tuck and painter Mario Correa on the occasion of Correa's recent exhibition at Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles.

Correa remarks: "Though much of my recent work has utilized print making techniques, I don’t have any training or expertise in printmaking; what I like about it is it’s physicality (I print by hand) and I like to think that my naivete allows for some diy ingenuity, or wrongness in printmaking can make rightness in painting… I’ve got a group of paintings made by painting on wine bottles and then wrapping and wringing canvas over them, and another group is made by painting through a blank silk screen, the screen clogs as I go, making it’s own marks until its no longer useful. You asked who figured as precedents in this way of working, I would say Sigmar Polke, Llyn Foulkes (Foulkes’ show at the Hammer is great), and Lari Pitman were my first heroes for unconventional painting processes, then Christopher Wool was a gateway to many more… Simon Hantai and David Hammons got me thinking about prints… they all have a unique relationship to the artist’s hand, it’s there and not there."

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