Mark Greenwold at Garth Greenan Gallery

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Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting talk to painter Mark Greenwold at his exhibition The Rumble of Panic Underlying Everything at Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, on view through March 26, 2016.

Greenwold comments: "I'm a formalist… I still feel like my language is essentially a formalist language, essentially a language of abstraction because my paintings I feel are very much abstractions; they're not narratives from my point of view. They're not telling a story because paintings can't tell stories as far as I'm concerned… figurative paintings in the history of art notwithstanding, I feel paintings is what Bacon said it was: 'a moment trapped.' … I wouldn't be able to tell you what this painting's about specifically, because it really isn't about anything specifically. It's more about this cacophony of stuff that's meant to be as agitated as I feel, or as complicated."

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