Michael Kidner: Dreams of the World Order

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Andy Parkinson visits the exhibition Michael Kidner: Dreams of the World Order: Early Paintings at Flowers Gallery, London, on view through October 20, 2012.

Parkinson writes: "To my mind the work in this exhibition is proof, if proof were needed, that a rational, systematic (empirical rather than pre-conceived) approach to abstraction can result in works that are both emotionally charged and intellectually interesting. It could even be said that Kidner combines the opposing traditions of expressionism and constructivism. Although he criticised abstract expressionism for its “assault on the unconscious” there is something of Rothko’s feeling for colour in these paintings. Yet there is no mysticism or 'spirituality' here, even though there is Grace in the sense of the term that (following Aldous Huxley) systems thinker Gregory Bateson used of 'integrating conscious and unconscious minds.' "

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